Thursday, November 8, 2012

UN firearms treaty rant.

So there are rumors that Obama is going to sign a treaty with the UN that limits firearms deals. Notice I didn't say the USA. It's because a lot of Americans will not back this. I am sorry but if the USA doesn't get a say on how women are treated in Muslim countries then the UN has not right to mettle in our business regarding firearms.. what people don't realize is that some firearms deals that go on are illegal and are weapons that are either stolen, obtained illegally or provided to criminals by the federal government. THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT FOR FAST AND FURIOUS!! Did you know people are still dying at the hands of those weapons and was recently found in Columbia? Yup. So if anyone is to blame it is the open border policy aka amnesty and the federal government for handing legal weapons over to drug cartels. Some will argue that this treaty will not infringe on the rights of citizens and will only crack down on illegal firearms but I don't buy it. I am sure they will put some clause in there in fine print nobody can read that will infringe on our rights.

Sorry but I feel that citizens such as myself should not be punished for those of others. I have the right to own a firearm and to protect myself from those who illegally obtain a firearm to purposely kill people...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I'm going to say this once since everyone is making such q big deal. I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE GAY OR STRAIGHT IF YOU ARE SLOBBERING IN EACH OTHERS FACES IT'S GROSS! I don't care if you are gay I just don't want to hear details. If you tell me your gay I will be fine with it. Just like straight people I don't want to know what goes on in your bedroom and I don't want to see it out on the streets. If you hold hands time if you give your partner a peck fine. But more than that is too much PDA for anyone. There I said my peace. Frankly I don't care if the first openly public lesbian was elected. People talked shit on the men who married straight who then come out as gay. Why does one person get the glory but the others get fucked over? I am so sick of hearing about this topic. What pisses me off though is how people are intolerant of those who are against gays so people talk shit on those people. The thing is if those people are against it it does not necessarily mean those people are going to be rude. Just like the attack on Chik fil a. It's  unnecessary. So what they have different views get over it and move on. I also hate those who hate on women because they vote republican and say women should be raped for it. Where the fuck is the respect for women like me? So those on the left should be respected but those on the right should be disrespected? There is a lot of bullshit that goes on in the world and this is just a little taste.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today is a day to look back and remember all the lives lost. Though in my opinion that does not count the terrorists who were on all the flights. They were pieces of shit and should have never been allowed to live.

Sorry about getting sidetracked.

I remember where and who I was with on the day that we were attacked. I was fifteen and in my tenth grade study hall. The bell hadn't rung yet when our high school security guard came into our class room asking if we had laptops because someone was shouting in the halls that a plane flew into the two towers. I had never been to nyc despite me living in upstate ny. I didn't know what the two towers are despite them being in tv shows and movies. Joe a kid who I sat next to in study hall pulled up MSN and there it was the first tower on fire. What I didnt know was how bad it had gotten. There were a lot of speculations on what was going to get hit next. One of our guess were right the pentagon. I just remember going home and just seeing all the destruction and just hearing what was going on. I remember the next day in my history class we watched the news. I just could not understand how this could have happened. Why someone would do this.  I had always had pride in my country. I was a patriot. So when this happened and George W Bush came on television to say he will do everything he can to capture the terrorists who did this I couldn't be more proud. I felt he did the best he could in this situation.

Today I have friends and family serving in our military and who have been shipped over to the middle east. I pray that they come home safely.

9/11 will forever be in my memory. Even eleven years later its still burned in my brain how I cried for three days after the attacks. The need to want to do something but not able to other than donate money.

Thank you to the military and first responder's and to those brave civilians who fought the terrorists to take control of the plane. You all will never be forgotten.